Pets in the Workplace: How Happydesigner Welcomes Its Furry Companions (Featuring Erik and Ernie :)

At Happydesigner, we believe that creativity flourishes in a joyful, relaxed environment. Our Kent-based design studio is a place where creativity meets companionship, and pets play an integral role in shaping our work culture. As a team of animal lovers, we know the value of having furry friends around the office, helping to boost our mood, spark creativity, and bring a sense of calm to the busiest days.

Two special members of our family, Erik and Ernie, are always by our side, making our studio feel like home. These playful, charming cats have become the heart of our office, and their antics inspire us daily. Through this article, we’ll take you through a typical day at Happydesigner, highlighting the benefits of having pets at work and showcasing the bond we share with Erik and Ernie.

Meet the Furry Friends of Happydesigner

Erik, the debonair feline from Oh Erik!, and his little brother Ernie are more than just pets; they’re part of the Happydesigner team. Erik, with his calm, contemplative nature, enjoys lounging in the sun, while Ernie’s youthful energy brings a touch of excitement to our day. Whether curled up on our desks or chasing after imaginary prey, these two cats bring warmth and humour into the workplace.

Erik’s personality is larger than life, and it’s no wonder he’s become the star of his own brand, ‘Oh Erik!’. His adventures, shared online and through comics, have gained him fans beyond the office. Ernie, though newer to the team, has quickly claimed his space, offering cuddles and playful distractions when deadlines loom. Both cats have a natural ability to lift our spirits and keep us grounded, reminding us to take breaks and enjoy the little moments.

Their presence creates a cosy, home-like atmosphere in our studio, and they’ve become a beloved part of Happydesigner’s identity. It’s not uncommon for clients to ask how Erik and Ernie are doing, and we often share stories of their latest antics in the studio.

The Benefits of Pets at Work

Pets in the workplace aren’t just cute—they’re incredibly beneficial for mental and emotional well-being. At Happydesigner, we’ve seen first-hand how Erik and Ernie positively impact our workdays. Research has shown that animals can help reduce stress and anxiety, and we’ve certainly found this to be true. There’s something incredibly soothing about having a purring cat on your lap while you brainstorm new ideas.

Erik’s relaxed demeanour, in particular, encourages us to stay calm and focused during busy periods. Whether he’s napping on a pile of sketches or watching us intently from his favourite spot by the window, Erik has a way of creating a peaceful atmosphere. On the other hand, Ernie’s playful nature provides a much-needed break from intense work sessions. A few minutes of playtime with him, and we’re back at our desks feeling refreshed and energised.

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Pets also foster a stronger sense of community within the workplace. When Erik and Ernie are around, we find ourselves laughing more, chatting about their funny behaviours, and bonding as a family. They’ve become our little, adorable office mascots! 

From a productivity standpoint, having pets like Erik and Ernie around has surprising benefits. While it may seem counterintuitive, the brief breaks we take to pet or play with them actually help us refocus and be more productive. They remind us to step away from our screens, stretch, and take a moment to breathe, which ultimately leads to clearer thinking and better ideas.

Erik and Ernie: Stars of the Office

oh erik

Erik, the star of ‘Oh Erik!’, is as cool and collected in the office as he appears online. His day often starts with a thorough inspection of the studio, ensuring everything is in place before settling into his favourite sunspot. His laid-back attitude is contagious, helping to keep us grounded amidst tight deadlines and creative challenges.

Ernie, his mischievous younger brother, adds a lively contrast. Always on the hunt for adventure, Ernie’s curiosity knows no bounds. He can often be found chasing after pencils or exploring new boxes that arrive in the office. His playful energy keeps us on our toes, and he’s always there to offer a quick snuggle or paw tap when we need a break.

Together, Erik and Ernie provide the perfect balance of calm and excitement, creating a dynamic atmosphere that fuels our creativity. Their bond is heartwarming to watch, and it’s hard not to smile when they’re curled up together after a long day of supervising our work. Whether they’re playfully wrestling or quietly napping, Erik and Ernie remind us that joy can be found in the simplest moments.

How Pets Boost Creativity and Productivity

Creativity thrives in environments that are relaxed, stimulating, and full of joy—qualities that pets like Erik and Ernie bring to Happydesigner. Studies have shown that the presence of animals can enhance creative thinking by reducing stress and encouraging more relaxed, open-minded brainstorming. We’ve found this to be true in our office as well.

When we hit creative blocks, spending a few minutes with Erik and Ernie often sparks new ideas. Their natural curiosity and playful behaviour remind us to approach challenges with a fresh perspective. Watching Erik observe the world with calm curiosity or seeing Ernie’s boundless energy helps us step out of our usual patterns and consider things from a new angle.

Moreover, the presence of pets encourages regular breaks, which are essential for maintaining creativity and productivity. A quick walk around the office with Ernie or a peaceful few minutes with Erik by the window is often enough to clear our minds and re-energise us for the next task. These small, mindful moments allow us to return to our work with renewed focus and often lead to more innovative solutions.

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Creating a Pet-Friendly Workplace: Lessons from Happydesigner

Having Erik and Ernie at Happydesigner has taught us the value of creating a pet-friendly workspace. We’ve implemented a few simple practices to ensure we are all comfortable and happy. First and foremost, it’s important to have designated spaces for the pets to relax. Erik has his favourite sunny spot, and Ernie loves to explore new boxes, so we make sure they have cosy areas to retreat to when they need downtime.

We’ve also learned the importance of setting boundaries. While we love having our furry companions around, it’s essential to strike a balance between work and play. We make sure to schedule playtime with Ernie and give Erik plenty of attention throughout the day, while also maintaining focus on our projects.

Finally, we keep a stash of pet-friendly toys and treats on hand to keep the cats entertained and happy. Simple adjustments like these make it easy to integrate pets into the workplace, creating a harmonious environment where both humans and animals thrive.

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Conclusion: Pets in the Workplace

At Happydesigner, we’ve seen how pets like Erik and Ernie bring a unique sense of joy and companionship to the workplace. Their presence adds a layer of warmth and comfort, making our office feel like home and helping us maintain a balanced, creative atmosphere.

Through their daily antics, Erik and Ernie remind us to slow down, take breaks, and enjoy the moment. They’ve become an integral part of our team, providing inspiration and motivation in ways we never expected. We couldn’t imagine our workdays without them, and we encourage other businesses to consider the benefits of welcoming pets into the office.

If you’d like to follow more of Erik’s adventures, be sure to check out ‘Oh Erik!’—we promise it’ll bring a smile to your face!

Bring your creative visions to life with Happydesigner—your friendly Kent-based design studio that infuses creativity with passion and a love for pets!

Further Reading

Here are some articles for further reading on the benefits of pets in the workplace:

  • Pets in the Workplace: Benefits and Considerations – Harper Fox Partners outlines both the pros and cons of having pets at work, including improved employee satisfaction, stress relief, and better working relationships, while also addressing the need for clear policies and pet behaviour management.

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