Hallowe’en Celebrations with Happydesigner!
It’s that spooooooky time of year again, and we want to give you some great costume ideas, using Happydesigner characters!
This time last year we wrote a blog about Hallowe’en and helped you to carve spooooky or funny faces into your pumpkins. Well, the nights have started to draw in again (isn’t that such a funny expression?) and we look ahead to the clocks changing, Samhain approaching, and before you know it, we’ll be decorating the trees and filling stockings. BUT before we get there, we all love a bit of spooky fun at Hallowe’en.

In order to have fun you really have to have games and spooky costumes! Over the past few years of trick-or-treating we have noticed costumes have gone from “OH MY GOOD GRIEF I AM SO SCARED OF THIS TINY CHILD MONSTER” to “oh, another Elsa?” Whilst dressing up and being someone else for a few hours is super fun, it’s also fun to see how scary you can be! Worm jelly sweets creeping out of your mouth, lashings of fake blood on your white t-shirt (make sure it’s an old top!) and flaky zombie skin are all simple and easy ways to look suitably spooky. But if you are able to spend a bit of time on a costume, perhaps a few of our fave Happydesigner characters could inspire your costume this year?

Whilst not necessarily terrifying (as she’s so cute!) Sadie the Spider is a great costume inspiration. The story aims to make children less afraid of spiders, so it seems a bit naughty to take Sadie and make her scary! However, some people really aren’t fans of lots of legs, and a few carefully painted wrapping paper tubes can be great for creating lots of crawly limbs.

We all know the story of vampires turning into bats, so you could take inspiration from Percy, the Pipistrelle Bat! Not only is Percy a great costume idea, if you read the book you will learn a lot about Pipistrelle Bats and you can tell everyone you meet all about bats and how they live! You can use dark bedsheets or a costume cape to make the wings and stick felt on some old shoes to make fluffy feet! Gloves will complete the look – but don’t forget your big bat ears so you can hear everything as well as a bat does!

It’s not spooooky as such but it is scary – a dinosaur! In Up Popped a Dinosaur you can find inspiration for a scary dinosaur outfit, or you could try and make a truck outfit! Dinosaur outfits will take a bit of planning, but some scaly fabric and a shoebox for the head-shape (if you’re doing a T-Rex like in the book) and a bit more fabric for a tail and you’re getting there!

It isn’t spooky but it is about the moon and the supernatural! One of our latest, and a really beautiful book, “Mountain Hare and the Supermoon,” is about a hare who makes friends with a shadowy figure who lives in the moon. They have a great day playing, but it can’t last forever. It’s a lovely book, and gives some great costume ideas! A few old wire coat hangers and a bit of white fluffy material and ta-dah: hare ears! Pom pom tails are easy enough, and a white outfit shouldn’t be difficult (or expensive – plus you can use it again so it won’t be wasted).

So there you have it, a couple of super spooky ideas that you can get creative with! Whatever you do this Hallowe’en make sure to have fun and stay safe. Enjoy yourselves and make sure to not eat too many sweets!