Written by Jenny Henwood.

Atticus’s Secret
When Atticus, The Rainbow Riding School’s stable cat, begins acting out of character the ponies take it upon themselves to follow him, stumbling upon his surprising secret!
Atticus’s Secret is the first book in the series known as The Rainbow Riding School. The series follows the lives and adventures of a wonderful group of ponies and their friends living at the riding school. Ptolemy, the wise owl is called upon by the ponies during times of greatest needs and provides the strong moral compass in the stories. Ketchup the cockerel and Atticus the stable cat provide bite size chunks of humour to these stories aimed at all children ages 4 years and upwards.
The author is giving 50p of each book sale to one of four animal charities that complement the characters in the book.
Ketchup Loses His Voice
It’s an unusually quiet morning at The Rainbow Riding School as Ketchup the cockerel fails to crow his cock-a-doodle-do. An adventure begins when all the ponies begin to solve the mystery of the lost voice but where will they really find it?
Ketchup Loses His Voice is the second book in the series known as The Rainbow Riding School. The series follows the lives and adventures of a wonderful group of ponies and their friends living at the riding school. Ptolemy, the wise owl is called upon by the ponies during times of their greatest need and provides the strong moral compass in the stories. Ketchup, the cockerel, and Atticus, the stable cat, provide bite size chunks of humour to these stories which are aimed at all children ages 4 years and upwards.
The author is giving 50p of each book sale to one of four animal charities that complement the characters in the book.
Blanco’s Arrival
The arrival of a new pony to The Rainbow Riding School has everyone excited. Who is she and where is she from? The ponies are all curious about her. When the ponies call upon the wise old owl, Ptolemy, for advice, not everything is quite what it seems.
Blanco’s arrival is the third book in the series known as The Rainbow Riding School. The series follows the lives and adventures of a wonderful group of ponies and their friends living at the riding school. Ptolemy, the wise owl is called upon by the ponies during times of their greatest need and provides the strong moral compass in the stories. Ketchup, the cockerel, and Atticus, the stable cat, provide bite size chunks of humour to these stories which are aimed at all children ages 4 years and upwards.
The author is giving 50p of each book sale to one of four animal charities that complement the characters in the book.

“Sarah is an immensely talented hard working illustrator. She has captured the true spirit of my book series and has brought my childhood riding school vision to life with some beautiful images. I cried tears of joy the day my books arrived. They are so beautifully designed and illustrated and the colours are just gorgeous. She has enabled me to realise a dream of seeing my books in print and for that I will be eternally grateful.”
– Jenny Henwood 2018