How can we make small changes to help our River Friends?
What’s New At Happydesigner?
A round-up of the latest books to come from the Happydesigner drawing desk.
I Have Won a Book Excellence Award!
I have received a Book Excellence Award!
Birdham Bear Returns!
Birdham Bear returns with your very own “funtivity book”, celebrating all that is unique about you!
Once I Wrote a Book About Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (or OMD as my husband calls them!)
I Once Wrote a Book About Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark!
Happydesigner Prints Now Available
Limited Edition Happydesigner Prints Available Now!
MerMAYzing May!
Have a MerMAYzing May!
Using Children’s Books to Boost Imagination
Boosting imagination with reading.
The Isabella Series Is Released!
Buy the “Isabella” series on Amazon now!