Category: Children’s Picture books

From books to the biosphere: how we’re helping the planet.

At Happydesigner, we’re all about children’s book illustration. We eat, live and breathe books – well, we don’t eat them, but some of them smell really nice (especially when they are new!). But actually, this isn’t quite true; we’re not ‘all’ about children’s books. There’s a lot more to Happydesigner, and one of the most…

It’s spooky time! Get set for Hallowe’en

We love a good festival here at Happydesigner, and Hallowe’en is one GREAT festival. There is so much to enjoy about it – stuff for children to do, great food to eat, games to play, trick or treating (responsibly, of course).  And, wow, there is so much orange around with all those pumpkins. If you…

Introducing… new children’s books from the pen of Happydesigner

As children’s book illustrators we like to think we know a thing or two about what makes a good book for youngsters. We’ve illustrated books for children of every age, from 0, to pre-school, to primary, to teens, and we have learnt a lot along the way, from working with many wonderful authors. So now…

Children’s Books with a purpose!

Writing a Children’s book? What’s the point… Children’s books have changed enormously over the past several decades. From Enid Blyton’s Famous Five (drinking lashings of ginger beer), to Harry Potter (quaffing lashings of butterbeer, come to think of it), children’s literature has gone through many iterations.  Jacqueline Wilson’s Tracy Beaker lives in a children’s home…

We’ve literally got a spring in our step to welcome the new season!

Spring has sprung! We’ve just had a wonderful weekend chez Happydesigner, blessed with glorious sunshine, with the days starting frosty, and the nights clear and moonlit. Spring sunshine, frosty mornings, moonlit nights – sounds like the setting for the opening of a novel! But we digress… Spring has sprung. Plants are beginning to bud, snowdrops…

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