Category: Books

If books were heirlooms, which would you hand down?

We’ve recently celebrated World Book Day, the annual awareness event which plays a crucial role in keeping books relevant to children in an increasingly digital world. In an age dominated by screens and instant gratification, the charm of a physical book for children can sometimes seem dimmed. World Book Day acts as a powerful spotlight,…

The Magic of Reading: Books and Christmas

There aren’t many sleeps left until the Big Day. Schools are about to break up for the holidays, and the excitement is building.  Overwrought and needing to calm down – and that’s just the adults! – one way to bring a little calm to Christmas is to enjoy the magic of reading. In fact, Christmas…

The Psychology of Colour in Children’s Books: How Colours Influence Young Minds

Children’s books are more than just stories; they are powerful tools that shape young minds and help them make sense of the world around them. The illustrations and colours used in these books play a crucial role in capturing children’s attention, evoking emotions, and conveying messages that can leave a lasting impact on their development….

The Importance of Diversity in Children’s Books: Broadening Horizons from a Young Age

Children’s literature plays a vital role in shaping young minds, influencing their understanding of the world and their place within it. Books serve as windows, allowing children to explore diverse cultures, experiences, and perspectives beyond their own. However, the current state of diversity in children’s books leaves much to be desired. A study by the…

Happydesigner Piggy Post: News & Features from November 2023

STOP PRESS: HAPPYDESIGNER HAVE MOVED! As announced in our September blog, we are pleased (and VERY relieved) to announce that we are now settled into our new home, and the studio is back to full operation. The move proved to be far more problematic than we ever anticipated, but, in hindsight, we should have expected…

Our groundbreaking signing books for children are set for launch…!!!

The countdown is on. In just a few days – on March 1st 2023 – our pioneering Signing Friends books that teach Makaton signing to children and their parents will hit the marketplace! We are so proud of this collaboration between ourselves and the fantastic team at Singing Hands, which was set up by mums…

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