Welcome to the Piggle Page!

If you have been following our social media recently (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) you will have noticed some new little friends. Well, new to you! Our Happydesigner Guinea Pigs have been a huge part of the HD family for a long time, and we thought it only seemed right to introduce you to them properly!

“I’m George. My favourite thing in whole wide world isHAY! I love it! Especially the dandelion one! I like to amble around as I’m not too agile, and I don’t like mummy to forget FRESH TIME, which is at precisely 1pm every day! As I’m the intellectual one, my studio skills are concentrated mainly around the admin side. I’m in control of the day to day running of the office, and make sure mummy is doing what she is supposed to be doing – paying attention to us!”

“Hi, I’m Bungle. I’m still new to the studio life, but picking it up quickly, and I make sure I voice my opinion on a regular basis. You can often find me at the drawing board sketching the latest happydesigner masterpieces. Like my bessymate George, I like my hay and fresh grub, although mum never gives us enough! Don’t worry though, I make sure I remind her daily about this. These youngsters think they know it all. Zippy thinks he’s the best at everything here, but you should see how high I can jump!”

“Hello I’m Geoffrey, I’m new to the studio. It’s a bit noisy here! I’m still trying to get used the madness and racket! I’m very nervous and haven’t had much of a happy life so far, but Sarah (Happydesigner) has promised to help me come out of my shell. I’m not too sure what she is on about as I don’t have a shell! I’m also a rescue from Norman Gorman’s, and I hope that in time I can start to enjoy being with all the other pigs more and more.”
“Hello, I am the youngest team member! I’m naughty, loud and I have the biggest attitude! I will take over the studio, one day…It’s just the world is a bit scary at the moment! I’m pretty scared of the world at the moment, but since being rescued by Sarah and Barry I’ve started to come out of my shell a little. Truth is, I haven’t had the best start in life. I’ve had a few problems because of how I was treated but I am learning to trust my new family and I’m so happy to have been helped.”
Keep an eye out as there will LOTS more coming from us!
Also in loving memory of our lost boy ‘Zippy’
Gone but NEVER forgotten, He was a bit part of the studio daily antics and he is sorely missed everyday.
Sarah will tell you she’s worked hard on it, but we think you’ll agree it has our paw prints all over it!
Where we all come from:
George and Bungle come from a Guinea Pig rescue centre… Mummy (aka Sarah) sponsors and supports the sanctuary as much as she can.