We’re not normally ones to blow our own trumpet, but we are chuffed to bits to have won an illustration award for the second year in a row.

Yours truly – i.e. Happydesigner – has been named Illustration Studio of the Year 2023 in the annual Prestige Awards.
We were first given this award in 2022, and the judges have deemed us worthy winners once again for 2023. It’s especially pleasing, as we didn’t seek the awards out; the organisers just came across us and liked what we do.
Here’s what the judges thought:
“The judges were impressed by the upbeat ethos that drives Happydesigner and has made them such a popular studio with their clients. The artists are passionate about their work and offer a quirky and unique take on illustrations, which immediately sets them apart from their competitors.
“The services provided at the Herefordshire-based studio constitute a complete package for clients and cover every facet of the design journey in one destination, saving money and time and always going the extra mile to ensure satisfaction.”
They also liked the fact that we try to do our bit to combat climate change, as we invest in worldwide climate and reforestation projects with partners, Ecologi.

If you have a book project and you’d like to work with award-winning children’s book illustrators, then please do get in touch.
And here’s a final question: do you like rain? We’ve had a fair bit of it lately, so in our next blog, you’ll find out why a bit of drizzle, mizzle, showers or a deluge don’t worry us!
Written by Jo Smyth (www.wordworker.co.uk)